Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My New Spiritual Home

I've been Wiccan for about 10 years. Wicca has been the only Pagan spirituality that I have ever formally been a member of. Because of this, I've stayed very close to my roots and defended my path with great strides.

I still love Wicca, but I find that it's constructs, history and reputation differ now from what I think my spiritual path should be.

Recently, I had a series of experiences that have brought me ever so close to the Gods of Greece. The Olympians have proved themselves to me and in doing so have changed my world view on many different levels.

#1. I am no longer a Pantheist. I am a Panentheist. I believe that the Greek Gods are transcendant from this world and the realm of Mt Olympus (Heavenly Realm).

#2. In my own path, I honor the Greek Gods. I may have honored others before, Norse, Egytpian, etc. But now, the only Gods I honor will be the Greek. I still retain beliefs from other cultures, but Gods are exclusive to the Greek.

I will no longer call myself a Wiccan. I'm a Hellestic Witch. I still agree with some of the Wiccan beliefs, but not enough to call myself a Wiccan.

I still defend people's rights to mix pantheons if they choose. I don't think the Gods mind as long as they are given reverence.

Chris and I have decided to dedicate our altar to the Greek Gods and our well on our way to getting statues of all the Olympians. When we get them all, we'll film it and put it on YT.

Chris has a new blog, as his old blog was dedicated to Wicca. It's called the realm of magick. http://www.therealmofmagick.blogspot.com/

The more you comment, the more he'll post. Who knows. I might post on there as well.

Brightest Blessings everyone.