Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My New Spiritual Home

I've been Wiccan for about 10 years. Wicca has been the only Pagan spirituality that I have ever formally been a member of. Because of this, I've stayed very close to my roots and defended my path with great strides.

I still love Wicca, but I find that it's constructs, history and reputation differ now from what I think my spiritual path should be.

Recently, I had a series of experiences that have brought me ever so close to the Gods of Greece. The Olympians have proved themselves to me and in doing so have changed my world view on many different levels.

#1. I am no longer a Pantheist. I am a Panentheist. I believe that the Greek Gods are transcendant from this world and the realm of Mt Olympus (Heavenly Realm).

#2. In my own path, I honor the Greek Gods. I may have honored others before, Norse, Egytpian, etc. But now, the only Gods I honor will be the Greek. I still retain beliefs from other cultures, but Gods are exclusive to the Greek.

I will no longer call myself a Wiccan. I'm a Hellestic Witch. I still agree with some of the Wiccan beliefs, but not enough to call myself a Wiccan.

I still defend people's rights to mix pantheons if they choose. I don't think the Gods mind as long as they are given reverence.

Chris and I have decided to dedicate our altar to the Greek Gods and our well on our way to getting statues of all the Olympians. When we get them all, we'll film it and put it on YT.

Chris has a new blog, as his old blog was dedicated to Wicca. It's called the realm of magick. http://www.therealmofmagick.blogspot.com/

The more you comment, the more he'll post. Who knows. I might post on there as well.

Brightest Blessings everyone.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Building a Bridge from Both Sides

There is a problem here in this country especially. I don't see it from my European friends and it probably stems from the level of fundamentalism in religion over here compared to there. Many Wiccans and Pagans have horrible hatred for all Christians. I watched video after video saying things like "Fuck you! Christians" and "Christians hate us!" First of all, those statements are statements of high religious intolerance. No religious group on the face of the earth all believe the exact same way. If they do, they are a cult, not a religion. Religions have free-thinking people who tend to apply logic and personal experience to their beliefs, Christians included. A few points that I'd like to make on the subject.

1) You can't expect things to get better if you are making them worse.
I went through a phase where I did things especially to piss off the Christians. I'd even get angry if someone said "God Bless You," and hiss at people. I used to think I was being edgy or cool by hating Christians. I thought by doing that I was rebelling against the establishment and forging my own path not tainted by the mainstream opinion of how things were supposed to be.

Nearly a decade later, I realize how silly that is. When I did these things purposefully to piss off Christians, I was acting as a representative of my faith and in doing so damaged the reputation of not only me, but all Wiccans. We can't expect anyone, regardless of their religion to be as enlightened as us or hold the same opinions, but what we can do is be a good representative of our faith and show them that what they might have heard, is wrong.

What I realized is that some Christians have the capacity and understanding of normal humans. I was assuming all Christians were judgemental, exclusivist, "my way or the highway," Evangelical jackasses and would never see it my way. In reality, most Christians are spiritual people on their own road as well. They rarely agree with the entire Bible. They rarely try to convert you.

2) Stop the Divisiveness
We, as a minority faith community, tend to creep into our own little corner of the world and stay their with our "own kind." This does us no good. I've seen so called "Pagan Pride Day" celebrations being held in remote dark corners of towns or out in the suburbs simply to refrain from public attention.

One of the best rituals I ever attended was a ritual done by Brotherhood of the Pheonix and the Chicago Reclaiming for Earth Day 2007. Even though I was sick as a dog that day, I had a great and rewarding experience. We did this ritual on public land right on the shore of Lake Michigan on an unusually hot April Day in Chicago. There were hundreds of people on the beach, and a few onlookers to ritual. We did get a few people who shouted Bible verses or other hateful things, but the vast majority complimented us on how beautiful the ritual was and some even asked to join in. These are ordinary everyday people, many were obviously Christian, but regardless were so moved by the spirituality of it, saw a connection between us and them. They chose to break down that barrier.

Give yourself an opportunity to start a dialogue with someone. Perhaps you'll find you have more in common than you think. If you look around, you will find many interfaith opportunities. Seek them out. Be ready to discuss the finer points of your religion without defaming theirs. Be respectful to their point of view while intelligently presenting yours.

3) Act in accordance with your values
Don't be a bad Pagan. Live your values. Whatever those values might be. For Wiccans, we believe in a positive and non violent approach to living and believing. Make sure you are exhibiting that.

You can't expect others to get a good opinion of your faith if you always act like fools. Make sure you know what your values are and are doing something to make sure others do too.

4) Be spiritually and emotionally balanced.

Don't let your past emotions about Christianity or other religions color your judgment. When you have emotional problems or have had trauma caused to you by others, you must let that go. You must realize that there are bad people in the world, but you can not blame all Christians for your problems or past wounds.

There are bigots in every faith. Paganism is included in that. We can encounter Christian bigots who scream to us about Hell. But we also encounter Pagan bigots who would rather spit on a Christian then talk to them. Don't be bigot.

This is a bridge that needs to be built from both sides.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

If you're that stupid, you deserve to be fooled

Perhaps people on YouTube are just looking to be led. Or perhaps they just like to be caught up in some trumped up drama. Frankly, if you're that stupid, you deserve to be fooled by people like the BlindDruid and Jack Winters. There is no flagging campaign. Yes, I will flag videos with my personal information in them. But I'm not going to, nor would I flag videos that had opposing viewpoints. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I've never, in my YT career, flagged someone because I disagreed with them. I've flagged for bullying and inappropriate content, but only if those videos actually break TOS.

Now if you have a video with my workplace in it, or some other piece of personal info I don't want broadcasted to the public. You better believe I'd flag it. And if you're not a moron, you would too.

Wake up people, you're being led by drama whores with nothing to really say about religion, so they have to trash those who do speak about religion.

If you believe the hype without asking me. You're a moron. Unsub from me PLEASE.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Taking a Hiatus from Youtube

Recently, I got into a debate about Christian Wicca. Quite frankly though it wasn't much of a debate. Most of those who opposed us couldn't even stick to points. They simply brought up things in my personal life as Ad Hominem attacks. Yes, I may have attacked back a few times, but only on a reactionary level. Never as the instigator. I'm never the instigator.

So these individuals took it upon themselves to dig into my personal life and found out where I worked. I made the mistake of telling one of my friends where I worked. That friend told them. Someone called my work and got me fired. I have another job-a better job-but I can't risk that job. So I am shutting the channel down. I won't show my face anymore.

In further logic, I also want to teach. I don't think it would look good for a teacher to be talking about witchcraft and swearing up a storm on YouTube either, so I've deleted many of my videos with vulgar language.

I stand by my points on every subject that I covered. Just because my videos are privated, doesn't mean that I didn't make my points and make them well.

I'll be blogging about them here. Feel free to comment about them. Blessed Be

Christian Wicca-Why it's just as valid

There have been many arguments against Christian Wicca. I will outline them here and why they are all wrong.

1) Christian Wicca attempts to combine two religions that have opposing views.
This argument comes from the assumption that Wiccans who use Christian influences in their path bring the entire religion of Christianity into their religion. This is not the case. In fact, when a Wiccan brings elements of any religion into their path, they rarely obey all tenets of that religion because they are first and foremost Wiccans. They simply honor the Gods and perhaps adapt a few practices.

For example. In the Celtic religion of Druidry, we know that there are 3 elements: Land, Sea and Sky. These differ from the 5 Classical Elements used in Wiccan ritual and practice. A Celtic Wiccan, uses elements from Celtic culture and religion such as Gods and ritual practice, but retains the Wiccan cosmology. We do not hear arguments, except from perhaps a few fundie Druids, that these two religions should not be mixed.

The same structure applies to Christian Wicca. Elements of the path, such as prayers, psalms, and Dieties are adapted, but the Wiccan cosmology and belief structure is retained.

2) Wicca is based on God and Goddess. Christianity has no Goddess and therefore cannot be used in Wicca.

This is also wrong. In mainstream Christianity there is no Goddess. But there are over 35000 different denominations of Christianity. Including Gnostic Christianity that has more than one Goddess. Many Christians believe that Goddess worship was a part of the Judeo-Christian structure from it's beginning but was covered up by the church.

A few examples of Christian Goddesses are Asherah-the consort of El. This belief was probably a transfer from the Caanonite belief in the God Il and his consort. Also, Sophia, Goddess of Wisdom is a Gnostic Christian goddess. Many Christians revere The Virgin and Mother Mary as Goddess. It's a little known fact was that the Virgin Mary was also the product of divine conception. Lastly, many believe that Mary Magdeline may have been the wife of Jesus and she is also worshiped as a goddess.

Therefore, there are many Goddesses to chose from in the Christian pantheon. Furthermore, one does not have to stick to just one pantheon to be Wiccan. Many use the traditional Gods of Christianity as masculine deities whilst borrowing from other pantheons for feminine influence. As many Wiccans see Gods and Goddesses as archetypes, we do not need to stick to one specific culture and many do not.

3) Christianity forbids Witchcraft, therefore it cannot work within Wicca-a religion based on Witchcraft.
Few Christian Wiccans honor the Bible. All will tell you that it is a work of man, not of God. Therefore, the writings of man, do not influence the relationship with God. People back in Biblical times understood Witches to be people who poisoned livestock and cursed villiages. It did not equate to the "Harm none" philosophy of Wicca. Therefore, either way you look at it, it is irrelevant.

4) It is disrespectful to bring Christianity, a religion that persecuted Witches, into Wicca.
First, all religions persecute neighboring religions with the exception of a few. Christianity may have burned and persecuted people for Heresy and Witchcraft. Lets remember the Ancient Greeks who condemned Socrates to death for Atheism. Most people don't like opposing ideas. Especially in religion. It offends their entire worldview and threatens their security within it. Nowadays, we live in a more pluralistic society. Today's Christians, for the most part, don't perecute others. So don't dwell on what happened in the past. Ancient Romans watched people being torn apart by lions for fun. Are we like them? I hope not.

If any of you have any further arguments, post them in comments and I will add them to this blog. Blessed Be.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Remembering the Forest

I grew up in the country. When I was born, my parents and older sibling lived on the 2nd house (formally the workhouse) on Twin Creeks Farm outside Freeport, IL. There were no other close neighbors. For Halloween, my dad would drive us into the city and go Trick or Treating with the Castros.

It was one of those places that you could keep looking for miles and the only thing that would stop your view would be the natural horizon. No buildings other than the occasional silo were present. Scattered ancient trees appeared but only as small dots amongst the endless fields of golden wheat.

We were outdoor kids and the farm was a great place to get into trouble. We used to jump from the top of the hay loft down onto what seemed like endless hay. When we were done, our clothes and hair would be filled with it. I still enjoy the smell of hay. This was my first home.

We left when I was 6 because my grandfather sold the property. Both families moved into neighboring houses in a small subdivision not far away. Then we entered the forest. Right behind my parents house is a 5 acre forest. Not much, but it was enough. As children, my growing family didn't have cable TV, we had trees-trees that we slept in, played in and frequently fell down from.

I remember the time my sister convinced me that I could fly like Mary Poppins if I jumped from a tree with an umbrella. She did it first very gracefully with her big arching stadium umbrella. She had given me one of the foldy kind that was bent up on one end. That was my first trip to the emergency room. My sister was the catalyst for many emergency room visits.

The woods were my home. I went there frequently to get away from the busy household of 7. Too loud to do homework inside, I did homework on a platform my dad built in one of the old oak trees when the weather was nice enough. When it wasn't, I'd lock myself in the bathroom. To this day, I still get bouts of inspiration while using the facilities.

The forst was eerily quiet at night. There were no lights except a small emergency light over my grandfather's shed and the moon when it was full enough to be seen through the trees. Every Halloween, we knew the woods were different. I wasn't afraid, I was intrigued. During Trick or Treating I'd usually venture into the woods and while I never saw anything, I felt the trees were alive that night.

The snow would come and we'd go out to the Back 40 and sled on metal disc sleds that seemed to defy the laws of physics. That land held power, perhaps not to everyone, but to me.

My love, Chris, wrote an article about his woods on Witchvox. http://www.witchvox.com/va/dt_va.html?a=usnc&c=words&id=13308

Monday I get to see his forest. It's not my forest, but seeing his will confirm for me the feeling I felt in mine-that trees are magickal, that silence is golden, that forests have hidden secrets we may never quite understand.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

BlogTalkRadio Share Show Widget

Pagan Princes and Pagan Ladies

I've been Wiccan for about 10 years. In that 10 years, I've met many Pagans. I find that we are a very open and accepting community. We have a very rich and diverse community, or do we?

It seems that the Pagan community is lacking one important element...Straight men. The Old Guard Pagan Males (Ray Buckland, Gerald Gardner, Isaac Bonewits, etc) most of them loved sex with women. But the newer male authors (Scott Cunningham, Christopher Penzcak) love men.

I'm not writing this to bash gays. I love gay men and gay women. I myself am bisexual and I consider them to be my kindred. But I also see that straight male Pagans are a rarity.

On the Youtube community of which I'm a part, we can see a section of our community. While they do exist, straight or women loving men, are hard to find. At the moment, I can only think of one single/unattached straight male Wiccan in his 20's on YouTube. PrincelordChris (quite a looker too)

I find it ironic that he calls himself Prince, because he is in a way. He represents the most sought after sexual commodity in the Wiccan community. Not surprisingly, women flock to his channel. He was even requested to do a Naked Video-which he hasn't done yet-by a cute red head. I think the Prince doesn't realize his royalty.

This is a problem from two angles. First, for the ladies, we are forced to either find mates outside our faith (which is what I did) or stay lonely. For Pagans this poses a unique problem because sex is sacred to a Pagan. Being able to share sex on a magickal and spiritual level is important. And reciprocal magickal energy from one's partner is ideal. He is the Horned One to our Goddess. The male Pagan is aware of the magick of his masculinity-a powerful tool in work and play.

For the rare single Pagan men, well they become sought after to the degree that they have hangers on. Finding a genuine mate instead of a desperate woman becomes difficult. Women who find an attractive single straight Pagan male treat him like a movie star. The displays I've seen to garner attention from this elusive creature from our side of the species is deplorable. Fights occur, friendships ruined and it is damaging to all.

So where are the straight Pagan males. Is it that males are less likely to be religious? Is it the perceived feminine domination of our faith? It could be a mixture of both. If we look at what faiths that straight males gravitate to, they don't tend to be feminine centered. And Wicca, is at least equal if not feminist leaning in it's tendencies. But other Pagan faiths, tend to have more straight men like Druidism and Asatru. These faiths both have more of a patriarchal system of hierarchy compared to Wicca. Perhaps they are silent, not ready to come out.

Also, it seems, that less God(s) centered pagan faiths like Thelema are dominated by men, usually straight men-or at least men who like sex with women. This supports the claims that Pew Forum makes about men being less likely to believe in God(s).

I think some of these quiet creatures don't realize the commodity they possess. And maybe that's a good thing. We don't want them thinking that they are the Gods gift to women.

To the Princes who are out there. Don't dismay, you'll have your pick of Pagan women. But by all means, let the ladies know you exist.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pagan Challenge - Stand up and be counted.

Great video by Andrew. If you haven't made a video response, I encourage you to do so.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Be Aware: The Dangers of Fideism

This is a response to a video that accused those who employ logic and reason as being dangers to the Pagan Community. Whaa! As I'm a logical/analytical person, this person is saying that people like myself don't belong in the Pagan Community.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Stained Glass Window of History

Often when we read study history or listen to lectures, we find that there are certain pieces of information "colored" by rhetoric, skewed by bias or fractured by lack of recording skills. This is the case for Julius Cesar's writings about the Druids, whom may or may not have performed human sacrifices.

It's the same for modern occurrences as well. I have been in my share of spats on YT. Some were cordial, like my disagreements with EClovesanimals as well as many videos directed back and forth from one religious point of view to the next. There were some that got ugly.

The viewpoint of the individual on this history is different. I know what happened in my mind because it happened to me. It's history without hearsay. But for others who weren't directly involved or hear about it after the fact, the stained glass window metaphor applies. All people unfortunately have prejudices, especially against other religions. Out of respect for the past, I usually keep what's in the past, the past. I see no need to drudge up painful memories and opt to look forward. Some, however, just aren't built that way. It's not for me to criticize them until they step into my history.

Recently a youtube user criticized me for my defense against Shamanshadow. For those who don't know-and I tell you the Goddess honest truth-Shamanshadow was a Pagan-a family tradition witch-with leanings on folk magick and native american beliefs also, to my knowledge, he is involved with the Catholic church. In addition, he hunts Big Foot with a concoction made from menstrual blood and on more than one occasion, has filmed himself cursing people for which he had no personal connection. He had spoke of a troubled childhood including abuse and neglect. Shamanshadow also had a problem with Wiccans. Among other things, he called Wiccans the "McDonalds" religion of Paganism, he also referred to us as NAZI's and claimed we were trying to impose a new world order on all witches.

Obviously, this bothered me and I responded, at first cordially, in a text comment. At which he said some nasty things, called me little girl, and called me stupid and then blocked me. He said I can't be trusted because I'm "one of them." This irked me. He then made a very demeaning video saying that Wiccans were trying to take over and that we "stole" our beliefs from his family tradition.

Obviously I took offense to this and responded with a video, which may have had a sacrastic tone, but wasn't nearly as insulting. I explained a bit about Wicca's history and that just because two belief systems have a lot in common doesn't mean they have to be rivals. He was obviously upset that Wicca had become so popular and that his own tradition had not become mainstream or anything close to mainstream.

Many other Wiccans and Pagans saw my video and were also outraged at the claims that he was making. Shamanshadow had also latched on to the idea that Wiccans were all like Gavin and Yvonne Frost-most Wiccans I know disagree with the Frosts view of Wicca-they wrote a book called "The Good Witch's Bible" which included passages on sexualizing children for rites of passage. This is vile and I am abhorred that someone would claim to be Wiccan and write such garbage. This doesn't mean that I adhere to it. Shamanshadow claimed that the Frosts were the end all be all of American based Wicca and that any and all traditions in the US started with them.

So obviously, many people were upset by this. He got alot of responses independant from my own. Because I was one of the first, and of course, one of the largest accts on YT to disagree with him. He had then designated me as some sort of leader within this movement. I was not directing people to make videos or instructing people to include information. We did however chat together and many people, myself included, discussed how ridiculous his claims were and proof that debunked them. This is natural of course as many people in the YT community disagreed with him.

Shamanshadow had a few supporters, but not many. Mainly people who were also wary of Wicca but some who just respected Shamanshadow. He had told people that he was the victim and that he was just stating his beliefs and that I was attacking them. I told him that it wasn't a question of his beliefs, but his hate speech. And his lies about Wicca. I could care less what his religious beliefs were.

I did try to end it peacefully with a debate. 45 Pagans and Pagan Supporters were in that chat room-Shamanshadow was a no show.

It got nasty. Shamanshadow called my friend George a pedophile. He also used many gay slurs to some of my pagan friends from the GLBTQ community. Eventually Shamanshadow got his account suspended for terms of service violations.

I do not regret the videos that my friends made against him. After all-it's not up to me to regret what someone else has done. I don't regret flagging videos that actually do break Youtube's terms of service.

He attemtped to come back a few times and is currently on YT under the account witchenpoo. He hasn't attempted to remake the videos that he's done although he has taken a few personal jabs at me.

A user recently accused me of organizing a front to "shout" shamanshadow off YT. I did no such thing. I applauded videos I agreed with, but I was no ringleader. He said he was "wary" that the group would descend into chaotic drama because of me. I am not, nor have I ever been a drama queen. My position as an outspoken Wiccan will occasionally get me crticized and I have to defend myself, but I do not-with few exceptions-resort to drama. (those exceptions are usually done in good fun without serious intent to harm)

I resented him trying to drudge up the past but then I realized that all this time I have been silent, and on shamanshadow's blog, you can read his version of the events. This stained glass window. Fractured, colored with bias, you can hardly see the truth on the other side.

I hate having to make this blog. The past is the past. And while I have not forgiven shamanshadow for his actions, I also don't think bigots deserve forgiveness without repentance. I look at it this way, if you defend a bigot for his bigotry, you're either unaware of his bigotry, or a bigot yourself. The only exception would be pity-the "he doesn't know any better" defense. I don't think this applies to shamanshadow.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hypocritical Egotistical Irrational Oneness

It all started when I watched a video by Tannhaus about a Cowboy preaching Oneness. Apparently, he'd gotten bent out of shape with Tannhaus because Tannhaus rejected his insistance that real belief is based on experience and that his experience was that of Oneness.

Tannhaus, who is a Thelemite and believes in Self Love, is on the opposite end of the spectrum favoring self love to selflessness.

In my conversations with the Cowboy ad nauseum, he takes a position that he knows all and that you know nothing. He expects you to completely believe and validate his point of view and discount your own. He's insulting, while claiming the upper hand. In short, he's a hypocrite.

Tannhaus explained that he believes that the philosophy of oneness is the "metaphysics of mediocrity," and that's his right to say so.

The cowboy made a video explaining how upsetting it was that Tannhaus would insult his beliefs. The funny thing was that later in that video, he said he believed Self Love to be selfishness, which perpetrates the same action that Tannhaus did when discounting the belief in Oneness.

I explained this to the Cowboy myself. He ignored my comment and continued to criticize Tannhaus, all the while, claiming he hadn't criticized anyone.

Then the email:

Dear BFW,

I made a video about the need for experience over belief. If you look again you will see that. I did not mention Tannhaus. I also mentioned a young woman who trashed Christianity. Tannhaus said nothing about her as he was too busy protecting his ego. I used those examples to show how belief defends and attacks. And you all proved my point in spades.

Ok, so I have to respond to these parts. First, he didn't make a video about experience over belief, but if he had, I would have pointed out that experience is the predecessor to belief. One must validate their beliefs somehow, right. Would you have a genuine belief if someone just told you the sky was blue, or if you experienced it yourself?

Second, his video was a direct attack on Tannhaus. Just because you don't mention someone's name, doesn't mean it's not an attack video. In fact, it's even more insulting if you don't name the person because it takes away their sense of validation.

Third, the Christian trasher was mentioned as a correlation to Tannhaus' actions. You can't claim you didn't attack someone and then show your evidence for attacking them. This is crazy talk.

"And you all proved my point in spades," You've all? Does he think I'm on some sort of team? Because I was simply pointing out the flaws in his logic. Delusional? I think so. Also, anyone who wants to try and save face will claim that the other side lost by proving their point. The funny thing is, he never mentions just exactly how we proved his point, he just says it. It's an empty statement.

Ironically, he did in fact prove all of my points. #1 That he's a hypocrite. #2 That it's impossible to live and still have universal or total oneness. #3 That he has mental issues.

I have made no personal attacks on anyone, or their beliefs. I just stated my own ideas, which are apparently very threatening to Pagans. I have been met with questions about my mental state, had my life threatened, and been subject to ridicule and hate. Nice Community you hang around in.

As we have already shown, he has made personal attacks on people, namely Tannhaus, me and Amberthinks too. Check the comments on his vid. His own ideas are ideas that I happen to disagree with and instead of accepting that people can disagree, he personally attacks them and plays the martyr. I believe the questions about his mental state, although until this blog and my subsequent video, I'd made no allusion, so I'm not sure why he's telling me that, except to try and make me feel bad for him. He did the same thing to Tannhaus by bringing up his homosexuality, As if being gay, gets you a Get a free Argument Victory. I understand that being gay isn't easy. Neither is being a Witch in a small town. It doesn't mean people can't disagree with you.

I don't believe anyone threatened his life. When he can prove it, I'll believe him. This is something people use to say "Your side has gone over the line, so you should just stop and apologize to me." It's a tactic to get pity and gain the upper hand. This chick and her 159 IQ recognizes patterns quite well. You know who uses this one? Shockawenow. (not saying this guy is shock, but that it's a fake and callous attempt at guilting one's opponent.)

I'm not sure who has ridiculed or hated on him, I've seen none of that, just disagreements. On the other hand, he feels the need to qualify my ideas with the fact that I'm Pagan, regardless of the fact that Tannhaus, Amberthinks and myself have very different paths with different belief systems. We are all grouped together because it's easier that way.

Tannhaus, on his own Website, states that direct experience of divine Knowledge is the goal of a Gnostic Bishop. That's what Gnosis is all about. Yet to me, who has experienced that knowledge and attempted to help him understand that you have to get away from self for that to happen, he says "that sort of metaphysics leads to mediocrity" That's hypocrisy with a capitol H.

Tannhaus never said personal experience wasn't a good thing. He said self love is important. The two aren't mutually exclusive. In fact, personal experience is PART of self love. He then claims he understands that you have to get away from self to attain knowledge. This is the very idea that Tannhaus and I and Amber reject. Because experience is personal and relatable to the individual. The idea that one can't have self love and still attain knowledge is ridiculous. It's like saying that everyone who drinks is an alcoholic. Balance is key. Saying that personal experience is attained from absense of self is well, contradictory.

On his website, is a link to the "saints" accepted by the organization he belongs to. Among these is Ramana Maharshi, a teacher of Advaita, which is what I talk about. He is on my Website. Ramana teaches "the sort of metaphysics that leads to mediocrity."

I quote Aleister Crowley on my website. That doesn't mean I adhere to all of his philosophies. The idea that because someone admires someone means that they are in complete agreement is foolish.

Tannhaus does not even know what he is talking about. He is all ego. Only humility and selflessness leads to enlightenment. You, and many of the haters that trashed me are too full of yourselves to see that Oneness can't happen with yourself in the way. Look at his website. Read what's there. Gnostics share my ideas.Do not write again.Peace,

Didn't he claim a few paragraph's ago that he didn't personally attack anyone? How is saying someone is all ego, not a personal attack? "Only humility and selflessness leads to enlightenment." That's an exclusivist attitude and where we disagree. Balance to me leads to enlightenment. Pagans, and free thinkers don't appreciate people who try to indoctrinate or proselytize. Who claim they have the only way. They are usually bullshitters.

I love at the end how he commands me not to write again. How egotistic for someone claiming humility is the answer.

Hypocrite to the max.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

What a Crock...

Ok, so I hate to bring up drama on my blog, but I have to rant about this, I have to. A while ago, when the Jack/me drama was still brewing, a supposed friend of mine started doing things supposedly on my behalf that I knew nothing about. She made a fake account and started spying on rooms, etc and when confronted, she said she was doing it for me. (I personally think she was doing it for her own sick amusement.) I don't like dishonesty, regardless if its in my honor or not.

So to clear up the matter, I posted a small comment saying that I did not know about, nor did I agree with her actions. After I posted my discontent, which made no insult nor further judgement past my disavowment, I was blocked from her page, her myspace page and told in so many words that I was not a very nice person because I didn't stick up for her.

I dismissed this as emotional nonsense. She had been outed matter-of-factly as a drama queen and I wasn't going to be her pity party. I did consider her a friend, and defended my actions saying, friends agree to disagree sometimes and a true friend would understand that. She wouldn't have it. This was November, I believe.

I thought that was the end of it until January 10th. I got a message on stickam from a meme20000 (acct had only been open one day prior). The account also had no pics, no blogs, no names attached to it. In short, this is what we usually refer to as a sock acct.

Meme20000 told me that my supposed friend had been so sick about all the things I said about her that she died. She DIED. Now, I know that this person had their share of medical problems, but they weren't near death.

So I wrote back, explained that I didn't believe that she was dead and that this was probably a ruse. I also said, I never talked bad about her, I just disagreed.

So this person wrote back again yesterday, claiming that I basically caused her death and she "hoped I was happy with myself." (I should mention, my ex friend was notorious for bad spelling and grammar and this person was making the same exact mistakes.)

So I messaged back after checking with some things. I checked the obits from the month of January. No luck. I googled her name, no luck. I checked her MySpace page-She logged in two fucking days ago. Caught in the act, Mary.

I personally am outraged. I never did anything except disagree with this person and now they are so fucked in the head they are going to try to fake their own death to upset me? What the fuck!!!

You have to understand, I took this girl under my wing. She had less than a high school education and not a very high comprehension rate. I gave her space for her path to grow and for her to learn more about Wicca. I gave her private lessons-something I've never done before.

I feel betrayed. And shocked that someone would lie about something so serious.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hate Speech

Recently, I did a couple of videos on hate speech. Mainly I spoke about how what we say affects those who respect us and we have authority over.

I thought about the kids in Muslim countries who grow up learning that Jews are akin to goats or dogs. Also, how many American parents refer to Muslims with racial epithets to their kids. How those words affect those they are in charge of can be devastating not just to the child, but to a nation.

Do our words have power? Of course they do, but to what extent does our verbal energy affect others? This is where it gets tricky.

I believe whole heartedly in free speech. I think it's not the government's job to be thought police or censor our speech. But the implications of speech by authority is a different issue.

I suggest a two fold path. #1 I think that if a person of authority abuses their power by using hate speech to manipulate their charges to do violence or extreme prejudice, that they should be considered conspirators in such an act. Some anger at the concept of prosecuting someone for speech, but this is already being done by our government. Inciting violence is a crime and one that should be taken seriously. This type of hate speech destroys lives and enslaves nations.

#2 I think that we should practice social responsibility. As a people, as we look down on hate crimes, we should also look down on hate speech. It should not be excused for religious reasons to hate others. Those who profess religious reasons for hate or discrimination should be scrutinized not because they are religious but because they excuse bigotry in that fashion.

#3 We need to tread carefully. Think not of a joke meant in good humor as something to be prosecuted or persecuted. Allow people to freely criticize ideas, religious or otherwise. Ideas have no feelings, no emotions and most importantly, do not bleed. You cannot gouge out the eyes of an idea.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Frustration and Thoughts about the Future

So I've pretty much resigned to the fact that I am a target. I have worked hard to make my channel what it is today. I consider it to be a "child" if you will that I have put time, energy and much thought into.

What's so ironic is that I am a target partially of my own design. As the popular outspoken, somewhat brazen, Wiccan chick. I've garnered praise and ridicule-admiration and accusation-validationa and dismissal. I've taken to heart that I don't judge any group by the actions of a few of their members.

My words can be harsh sometimes, and I believe in energy for energy. Something that many in the Wiccan community would see me burned for. Their frustration with me mirrors my frustration with many of them. But I haven't given up on them. They may be new, largely fluffy, fantastical "Charmed Ones" but even the greatest of people started from meager beginnings. I look towards those who have crossed through the threshhold of fantasy to realism in religion to lead the way. Amber-I meant it when I said I'd buy you a beer. Spyke-I don't just buy a website for anyone. George-Keep it real. Cody and Laura-You're a force to be reckoned with. With you guys, I know the Wiccan community will still have a lighthouse, a compass, a Polaris and guides. Don't let me down.

But what scares me the most isn't the hate I receive, but my ability and the ability of my community to deal with it. When is too far too far? When have we only muddied ourselves while pointing fingers at the dirty?

I will probably lose my account here in the next few days. I've kind of accepted that fact. I've been told by several that they are gunning for me. And while my melodramatic alliterations are no doubt read with mixed emotions, so is the feeling in my heart while writing this.

As Nathan suggests that his God is with him, I assert the same thing. I take the spirit of the divine with me and ask for strength in what ever comes.

You will never know how much in the past years, YouTube has changed me. When I arrived on the scene, I was still wet behind the ears, looking for a place to muse my philosophical ramblings. It became clear from day one, I was fighting an uphill battle just for respect both outside and inside the Pagan community. That changed me.

I've also met some amazing people along the way. Some were fast friends like Tannhaus, Spyke, Seamus, Bertles, Laura and Cody.

Some started out as bitter enemies like Jack, Venus, Meaghan, Care and Paul.
With even more I share a long and jagged relationship which, if they had a machine to measure it, might look like a seismograph with it's needle flailing back and forth as if convulsing. Those are the relationships that we might call schizophrenic and in need of shock therapy.

And shock therapy is sometimes what it took to bring old foes together in the spirit of more than common interest, but earned respect. We fought through ShamanShadow and then dissinigrated. We mourned with the loss of one of our own-Meaghan. She is not here, but I still see her spirit when I look into the eyes of her darling children. And we've shared the experiences that old friends share and tell stories about.

Many relationships like the legendary love of Laura and Cody and the soon-to-be-legendary Spyke and Coty. Love is a force more powerful than hate, than intelligence, than wit, than popularity. Love binds you heart and soul and is something lasting and real. It transcends distance and physicality. It makes you more than what you were. Goddess bless you all.

You have all changed me. If anything, I can look back and know that my love for you and this community has changed me for the better. I am more than what I was because of you.

Blessed Be

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Fear and Loathing on You Tube

Today, a dear friend and someone I have an immense amount of respect for, was suspended from You Tube. Tannhaus' videos inspired me. While I tend to be a hot head, overly emotional or cold as ice, Tannhaus has been a voice of wisdom and reason when I could not be.

My emotions are running high right now. I feel like there is a current of energy flowing through me charged with all these different emotions that want to turn into actions. Unfilled potential ready to charge.

When Tannhaus first told me, I was shocked. I thought there had to be some mistake and surely You Tube would correct it. But then I remembered all the other friends You Tube had cast away so easily as if they were scraps of paper being swept off a floor.

This made me sad. I felt bad for Tannhaus, who put so much effort into his videos and his ministry. I knew he took his videos just as seriously, if not more seriously than I. He did not deserve this. He deserved respect.

This made me angry. I started to think about Nathan and all the Christians I've known in my lifetime who treat us like dirt. They hide behind their religion to justify their hatred and bigoted actions. As if a Bronze Age book in any logical society should hold weight over human compassion. But it does.

A few days ago I watched the documentary The Times of Harvey Milk. In this documentary, a man of honor and character was ripped from the people who depended on him by an angry man. An angry man who used the "Twinkie Defense" to justify his hatred by exploiting his religious beliefs.

I think it's despicable that someone would justify the denigration of another person, or group of people by using their religious beliefs. These are the people who cause genecide. These are the people who will destroy all that there is.

Forgetting my contempt for Christianity and it's tolerance of intolerance for a minute, I feel that regardless of religion, there are people who feel superior to others. The religion they use, regardless of which it is, is simply a tool they use to inflict hatred on others.

I am still dwelling in anger at the injustice of it all. But I also feel fear. I fear that I will be next. If they can remove Tannhaus, there's not much to stop them from removing me as well.

All these emotions are causing me to act. Act on my fears and anger. But I will not lash out irrationally. I will do what I should have done a long time ago. I will beseach the Gods. Want to join me?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Crisis of Faith

So it occured to me that I need to be less of an organizer and more of a spiritualist. So I set out in the large city of Chicago to find a coven.

I started by organizing my thoughts. What was I looking for when looking for a coven? I fell that my list should reflect my personal beliefs and because I take my beliefs seriously, I should look for a coven that fits ALL of my requirements. Here's my list:

1) Balanced Duality-I wasn't looking for Goddess centered religion-I never have. I always felt, regardless of how suppressed women were and still are in our culture, delving only into women's mysteries is only half the picture. We as humans have both positive and negative, male and female energies within us. After all, we both have a mother and a father (no clones as of yet). Therefore, we should honor both male and female. So out went covens like (Fellowship of Isis, Covenant of the Goddess, and so forth and so on.)

2) Structured, but not restrictive-I don't want some pompous ass who thinks he/she's all that telling me how to walk my path from the beginning. I already have a path and I'm fine with it. I simply want company. I want a circle of people who will invite me as an equal, not a peon. (So out went a bunch of other covens whom I won't mention. Let's just say I've met their HPS and said "Hel no!")

3) Tolerant and Open-Minded: No BTW covens and no racism, sexism or any other bullshit. BTW covens largely have their heads up their asses still following Gardner's debunked Murray info and not jumping into the modern age of healthy Wiccan eclecticism. Can you believe there are covens that both exclude women and exclude homosexuals. My gay friends are some of the most spiritual people I've ever met. I'd never dream of kicking them out. (Out went all the covens that would hate my guts.)

4) No exhuberant dues-I'm all for helping out with costs, but I'm not paying for someone else to not have a job. Yes, running a coven is work, and if the coven is big enough, a small stipend from everyone should pay for the HP/HPS to do their duty full time. If they charge an arm and a leg, I think it's more of a scam than a coven.

5) No Fluffy Bunniness-No people claiming they can shoot fireballs. No John Edwards "Crossing Over" bullshit. None of that. I believe in critical thinking. If people are more emotional that intelligible, it's just a game to them and I won't be a part of making a mockery of the divine. (So some of the more prominent covens, which will also remain nameless, are off the list.)

So I don't think this list was too much to ask for. But yet, I am now covenless. I systematically ruled out EVERY coven in the Chicagoland area.

So what am I left with? It kind of reminds me of that Neil Diamond song "Solitary Man," except instead of Man, it should say Wiccan. But I want community so bad. I want other Wiccans who not necessarily think like me, but think for themselves!

Uggh, so I'm stuck having to form my own. Something I did not want to do. I wanted to go through the process. I wanted to grow with an established group. I still feel that I'm Wiccan, but just saddened at the state of distress my religion is in.