Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hypocritical Egotistical Irrational Oneness

It all started when I watched a video by Tannhaus about a Cowboy preaching Oneness. Apparently, he'd gotten bent out of shape with Tannhaus because Tannhaus rejected his insistance that real belief is based on experience and that his experience was that of Oneness.

Tannhaus, who is a Thelemite and believes in Self Love, is on the opposite end of the spectrum favoring self love to selflessness.

In my conversations with the Cowboy ad nauseum, he takes a position that he knows all and that you know nothing. He expects you to completely believe and validate his point of view and discount your own. He's insulting, while claiming the upper hand. In short, he's a hypocrite.

Tannhaus explained that he believes that the philosophy of oneness is the "metaphysics of mediocrity," and that's his right to say so.

The cowboy made a video explaining how upsetting it was that Tannhaus would insult his beliefs. The funny thing was that later in that video, he said he believed Self Love to be selfishness, which perpetrates the same action that Tannhaus did when discounting the belief in Oneness.

I explained this to the Cowboy myself. He ignored my comment and continued to criticize Tannhaus, all the while, claiming he hadn't criticized anyone.

Then the email:

Dear BFW,

I made a video about the need for experience over belief. If you look again you will see that. I did not mention Tannhaus. I also mentioned a young woman who trashed Christianity. Tannhaus said nothing about her as he was too busy protecting his ego. I used those examples to show how belief defends and attacks. And you all proved my point in spades.

Ok, so I have to respond to these parts. First, he didn't make a video about experience over belief, but if he had, I would have pointed out that experience is the predecessor to belief. One must validate their beliefs somehow, right. Would you have a genuine belief if someone just told you the sky was blue, or if you experienced it yourself?

Second, his video was a direct attack on Tannhaus. Just because you don't mention someone's name, doesn't mean it's not an attack video. In fact, it's even more insulting if you don't name the person because it takes away their sense of validation.

Third, the Christian trasher was mentioned as a correlation to Tannhaus' actions. You can't claim you didn't attack someone and then show your evidence for attacking them. This is crazy talk.

"And you all proved my point in spades," You've all? Does he think I'm on some sort of team? Because I was simply pointing out the flaws in his logic. Delusional? I think so. Also, anyone who wants to try and save face will claim that the other side lost by proving their point. The funny thing is, he never mentions just exactly how we proved his point, he just says it. It's an empty statement.

Ironically, he did in fact prove all of my points. #1 That he's a hypocrite. #2 That it's impossible to live and still have universal or total oneness. #3 That he has mental issues.

I have made no personal attacks on anyone, or their beliefs. I just stated my own ideas, which are apparently very threatening to Pagans. I have been met with questions about my mental state, had my life threatened, and been subject to ridicule and hate. Nice Community you hang around in.

As we have already shown, he has made personal attacks on people, namely Tannhaus, me and Amberthinks too. Check the comments on his vid. His own ideas are ideas that I happen to disagree with and instead of accepting that people can disagree, he personally attacks them and plays the martyr. I believe the questions about his mental state, although until this blog and my subsequent video, I'd made no allusion, so I'm not sure why he's telling me that, except to try and make me feel bad for him. He did the same thing to Tannhaus by bringing up his homosexuality, As if being gay, gets you a Get a free Argument Victory. I understand that being gay isn't easy. Neither is being a Witch in a small town. It doesn't mean people can't disagree with you.

I don't believe anyone threatened his life. When he can prove it, I'll believe him. This is something people use to say "Your side has gone over the line, so you should just stop and apologize to me." It's a tactic to get pity and gain the upper hand. This chick and her 159 IQ recognizes patterns quite well. You know who uses this one? Shockawenow. (not saying this guy is shock, but that it's a fake and callous attempt at guilting one's opponent.)

I'm not sure who has ridiculed or hated on him, I've seen none of that, just disagreements. On the other hand, he feels the need to qualify my ideas with the fact that I'm Pagan, regardless of the fact that Tannhaus, Amberthinks and myself have very different paths with different belief systems. We are all grouped together because it's easier that way.

Tannhaus, on his own Website, states that direct experience of divine Knowledge is the goal of a Gnostic Bishop. That's what Gnosis is all about. Yet to me, who has experienced that knowledge and attempted to help him understand that you have to get away from self for that to happen, he says "that sort of metaphysics leads to mediocrity" That's hypocrisy with a capitol H.

Tannhaus never said personal experience wasn't a good thing. He said self love is important. The two aren't mutually exclusive. In fact, personal experience is PART of self love. He then claims he understands that you have to get away from self to attain knowledge. This is the very idea that Tannhaus and I and Amber reject. Because experience is personal and relatable to the individual. The idea that one can't have self love and still attain knowledge is ridiculous. It's like saying that everyone who drinks is an alcoholic. Balance is key. Saying that personal experience is attained from absense of self is well, contradictory.

On his website, is a link to the "saints" accepted by the organization he belongs to. Among these is Ramana Maharshi, a teacher of Advaita, which is what I talk about. He is on my Website. Ramana teaches "the sort of metaphysics that leads to mediocrity."

I quote Aleister Crowley on my website. That doesn't mean I adhere to all of his philosophies. The idea that because someone admires someone means that they are in complete agreement is foolish.

Tannhaus does not even know what he is talking about. He is all ego. Only humility and selflessness leads to enlightenment. You, and many of the haters that trashed me are too full of yourselves to see that Oneness can't happen with yourself in the way. Look at his website. Read what's there. Gnostics share my ideas.Do not write again.Peace,

Didn't he claim a few paragraph's ago that he didn't personally attack anyone? How is saying someone is all ego, not a personal attack? "Only humility and selflessness leads to enlightenment." That's an exclusivist attitude and where we disagree. Balance to me leads to enlightenment. Pagans, and free thinkers don't appreciate people who try to indoctrinate or proselytize. Who claim they have the only way. They are usually bullshitters.

I love at the end how he commands me not to write again. How egotistic for someone claiming humility is the answer.

Hypocrite to the max.


Unknown said...

I'll post my correspondence with him here. As you can see, I was MORE than nice. He simply couldn't deal with the fact that someone disagreed with him - even after he stated his views.

He posted a couple of comments at the same time, but I will separate them as YouTube did:

His comment:

First, let me say how glad I am that you are back! That said, I have to take issue with your take on self-sacrifice. (Ghandi was assinated, a result of having led the fight for India's independance, which was an act of SELF-SACRIFICE!) We are all connected in spirit, this is why we risk our lives for others. If we are really one with "god" or other human beings, we will help others, even at our own risk, because it is the same as helping ourselves. Self Sacrifice shows we are all of one thread.

my reply:


His comment:

Our sacrifices on this level of "existence" are not very meaningful. "Greater Love has no man that he lay down his life for another" pays homage to that "reality" that we become aware of when we look for it IN Love. Love is the very substance of what we are. If we Love to the extent that we lose sight of the very importance that we place on this "existence", we come closer to the reality that is, and more aware of it. Getting beyond the individual "self" is the real freedom.

My reply:

Sure, there is an us beyond the individual Self. However, if you sacrifice for others, you diminish yourself. Now there is self-sacrifice that increases yourself..such as self-sacrifice to learn discipline. But, if you sacrifice self with nothing in return, you diminish self...if all the greats do that, it just leads to a society of mediocrity and a race to the bottom

So you see, I brought up that form of metaphysics leads to mediocrity my first response to him besides "thanks". I also explained it. Both things he tried to deny in his video.

Then, he continued:

Anything that binds us together in Love in no way "diminishs" who we "really" are. It may diminish the individual "self", but that "self" is only an illusion, and want's diminishing! Sacrifce to help another hardly leaves you with "nothing in return".
Through sacrifice for others, we learn that we are one, and not seperate beings. And that is really "something" in return. Good Parents, by nature, practice self sacrifice. If we Love, and give, we practice "self" sacrifice.

to which I replied:

That kind of metaphysics leads to mediocrity. People who are successful and make the most change in this world are the people with a strong sense of self.

Even if we are different points of perception of a whole, each point of perception is equally valid. If we sacrifice one for another, the whole suffers from a lack of perception. It is only when each point of perception is the clearest and best it can be that the whole is at its best. If you see clearly from one vantage point and move to the side so you can "share" that vantage point with another, now neither of you see clearly.

Again, a lengthy explanation. This was also my first contact with this person that I'm aware of.

He then emails me:

The end

When you acuse a person, who has been more than civil, of mediocrIty because of there beliefs, the conversation comes to an end.

to which I reply:

Re: The end

I didn't accuse you of mediocrity. I said that type of metaphysics leads to mediocrity. There is a huge difference there.

a few days later, he emails me again:

Needed to write this.

Hi Tannhaus,

I needed to write this, as you have thrown me into depression twice now. You insulted me last week by saying my "metaphysics leads to mediocrity". What an insulting accusation, from a man who claims to "only interested in people being happy". You also seem to insist that people believe as you do or they are "mediocre".

I am 63 years old, spent much time in the study of Spirituality, and am a former Anglican Monk.
I am a student of Advaita. I looked at the work of Alistair Crowley when I was in my thirties. By your (and Crowley's) definition of "will"; I have followed mine all my life. I am a Gay man who has been in a relationship with my partner for over 41 years. My life, my beliefs, and my mind have never been "mediocre".

Since I have been on YouTube, I have tried to reach out to people interested in Spirituality, as my beliefs do not prevent me from appreciating other faiths, beliefs, or spiritual practices. I have made a number of Friends in the Pagan Community. I have been attacked repeatedly for being Gay, having unconventional beliefs and supporting other's beliefs. One of my Pagan Friends assured me that I would not find judgmental behavior in the Pagan Community. Because I was getting a lot of hate from the "Christian" Community, I was very supportive of you when you were taken off YouTube. I signed the petition in favor of religious freedom on YouTube, and spoke out for you to a number of people. When you returned last week, and I commented on your video,
I was hoping that we might have a good conversation, and maybe find some common ground, as I have with many of my Pagan Friends. But no, you had to make judgments, and make yourself superior. I did not criticize you or your beliefs in any way. I just offered what I thought and believe. You dismissed everything I said as "the metaphysics of mediocrity".

In reality, the Catholic Mass, Your Mass, the worship of "God" or "Gods", the Native American practice of watching the sun rise and set, or any number of practices, only point to the one reality that most belief systems believe is unknowable. My "mediocre" belief seeks to "one" with that reality, by removing all that is not "that".

My "being" is very firm, but this "creature", this body that I appear to be, was hurt by you, because I was expecting an honest exchange, and instead was given an insult, not just to me but to my system of belief.

I just saw that a somewhat vulnerable young Pagan Friend of mine, has rated your videos, and subscribed to your Channel. This again has caused me to experience depression. I fear for that young man, as I would fear for any young person, that you, with your acidic words, and "know it all" attitude might drive a person into the same kind of fear, and self hatred that the "Christians"
do. Selfrighteousness has no place in true spirituality. Please be careful how you hurt people.
You never know the harm you do when you speak without Love.


I replied:

Re: Needed to write this.

Hello and 93

If my words have caused hurt or you to enter into a depression, then I sincerely apologize. However, I still I did then, that I offered no insults to you...did not insult you personally, etc. I certainly didn't call you I replied in my email to you.

You seem bent on insulting me and accusing me of things, but I have done nothing to you. I urge you to step back from this situation. Relax and take another look at things. It's obvious that you're deeply embedded in this and it's causing you pain. You do seem like a genuinely nice guy, but I can't take responsibility for your feelings of hurt and pain in this. I can and do feel sorry that you're hurting though.

We were having a discussion...and I was further clarifying/reiterating my points. That is all.

Again, I apologize if the exchange hurt you. I'm not sure what else you need to let this go.


A few days later, he makes that video attacking me. Now, this was all cut and's exactly what was said. As you can see, I wasn't rude to him in any way. He simply couldn't handle someone having an opinion that differed with his.

Unknown said...

I just received another email from him. I'm posting it as well as my reply:


Hello Tannhaus,

You quote very well. What is YOUR experience of Gnosis? You admit on your website that you are seeking it, but have yet to find it. Until you experience it, you are only talking other's knowledge. When there is Oneness, WHO is there to observe, the WHO now being the One?
Until you experience this, in your own way, you will not understand. I have experienced this. This is why I give my ideas. You are not FORCED to believe me, or any one else. There is nothing vague about my understanding. It cannot be conveyed however, without experience. It will come to you. We are all working toward it.

Calm yourself, relax. I have no quarrel with you, and you have blown this so out of proportion that
you have upset yourself. When Knowledge comes, and it will, you will understand. Until then have faith.

PEACE, you are Loved.

so I replied:

Re: Peace

I have one thing to say:

Go fuck yourself you egotistical condescending hateful prick

Take your mindless drivel and shove off.

This started because you couldn't deal with the fact someone disagreed with you. Even an apology was not enough. You had to publicly try to belittle me because you're a sick man with low self-worth who has to attack others to feel good about his own existence.

I couldn't care less about your crap and your overblown ego's manifestation.

You want it to stop? Then stop attacking people who have opinions that differ from yours. Stop being a radical fundamentalist and allow other people to live. As far as my experience with gnosis or any other personal experiences, I don't have to share nor do I care to share a single iota with you.

You speak of "oneness" and spiritual insight...and yet attempt to attack and cause pain to anyone that disagrees with you. You try to guilt and shame people into following you. That only works with those that share your slave's morality. It will not work for me.

You want peace? I'm all for peace. You're the one who decided you couldn't have peace with someone who dared have their own opinion. My idea of peace is this: you leave me alone. You don't mention me or anything connected with me again. You leave other people who don't agree with you alone as well and stop attacking people who have done nothing but disagreed with you.


Unknown said...

Would you believe he's actually trying to pass himself off as enlightened? I saw these comments:

I have had direct experience of the one reality. I have no more "beliefs" in that area. Of course I believe in other "things", but my spiritual connection is rock solid, unshakable. I have had the ultimate experience. This has not changed my personality, or my faults, but there is no longer an individual me. I will roll on, like a wheel, until my bodily death, but birth and death have no sway over me. They, like my body/mind are an illusion. We are all like this, we just need to see it.


So many people expect this to be a Great experience, prepare for it for years, and look for something very profound. But it is not. It is like waking from a dream, and realizing what has always been your nature. I am not talking about the "self" that we appear to be. Of course we Love that, it is the manifestation of the Divine, but we need to get past that to the true "self" that is One. This can only happen through direct experience. When there is One, WHO is left?

All I can say His ego is so overblown, he's about to explode.

J.Driscoll said...

The power of misunderstanding is greater then most of us would like to admit. he misunderstands how Thelema works. He misunderstands How a lot of Paganism works.
Aslo Gnosticism also dabbles with other forms such as left hand path which teaches enlightment through self love and the like.
Hell my Faith hellenosmios Teaches that Greatness does not come from Some strange since of Self Sacticfe but from Great Deeds's or Piety (i.e. Herakelese)