Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Christian Wicca-Why it's just as valid

There have been many arguments against Christian Wicca. I will outline them here and why they are all wrong.

1) Christian Wicca attempts to combine two religions that have opposing views.
This argument comes from the assumption that Wiccans who use Christian influences in their path bring the entire religion of Christianity into their religion. This is not the case. In fact, when a Wiccan brings elements of any religion into their path, they rarely obey all tenets of that religion because they are first and foremost Wiccans. They simply honor the Gods and perhaps adapt a few practices.

For example. In the Celtic religion of Druidry, we know that there are 3 elements: Land, Sea and Sky. These differ from the 5 Classical Elements used in Wiccan ritual and practice. A Celtic Wiccan, uses elements from Celtic culture and religion such as Gods and ritual practice, but retains the Wiccan cosmology. We do not hear arguments, except from perhaps a few fundie Druids, that these two religions should not be mixed.

The same structure applies to Christian Wicca. Elements of the path, such as prayers, psalms, and Dieties are adapted, but the Wiccan cosmology and belief structure is retained.

2) Wicca is based on God and Goddess. Christianity has no Goddess and therefore cannot be used in Wicca.

This is also wrong. In mainstream Christianity there is no Goddess. But there are over 35000 different denominations of Christianity. Including Gnostic Christianity that has more than one Goddess. Many Christians believe that Goddess worship was a part of the Judeo-Christian structure from it's beginning but was covered up by the church.

A few examples of Christian Goddesses are Asherah-the consort of El. This belief was probably a transfer from the Caanonite belief in the God Il and his consort. Also, Sophia, Goddess of Wisdom is a Gnostic Christian goddess. Many Christians revere The Virgin and Mother Mary as Goddess. It's a little known fact was that the Virgin Mary was also the product of divine conception. Lastly, many believe that Mary Magdeline may have been the wife of Jesus and she is also worshiped as a goddess.

Therefore, there are many Goddesses to chose from in the Christian pantheon. Furthermore, one does not have to stick to just one pantheon to be Wiccan. Many use the traditional Gods of Christianity as masculine deities whilst borrowing from other pantheons for feminine influence. As many Wiccans see Gods and Goddesses as archetypes, we do not need to stick to one specific culture and many do not.

3) Christianity forbids Witchcraft, therefore it cannot work within Wicca-a religion based on Witchcraft.
Few Christian Wiccans honor the Bible. All will tell you that it is a work of man, not of God. Therefore, the writings of man, do not influence the relationship with God. People back in Biblical times understood Witches to be people who poisoned livestock and cursed villiages. It did not equate to the "Harm none" philosophy of Wicca. Therefore, either way you look at it, it is irrelevant.

4) It is disrespectful to bring Christianity, a religion that persecuted Witches, into Wicca.
First, all religions persecute neighboring religions with the exception of a few. Christianity may have burned and persecuted people for Heresy and Witchcraft. Lets remember the Ancient Greeks who condemned Socrates to death for Atheism. Most people don't like opposing ideas. Especially in religion. It offends their entire worldview and threatens their security within it. Nowadays, we live in a more pluralistic society. Today's Christians, for the most part, don't perecute others. So don't dwell on what happened in the past. Ancient Romans watched people being torn apart by lions for fun. Are we like them? I hope not.

If any of you have any further arguments, post them in comments and I will add them to this blog. Blessed Be.


Anonymous said...

Hi, BFW. Thanks for posting this. I wanted to say that I understand your reasons for going off of youtube, even though I will miss your videos. I never really listened to the debate videos, but love your more educational ones. I learned a lot from you and hope you continue to blog regularly. I blog a lot, and it's very fun and therapeutic. Hope things are well for you
Blessed be,

Rhian said...

I can't believe you're still arguing about this with anyone. I agree with you, but you made how many videos saying pretty much the same thing? I unsubscribed to your youtube because of them, I might subscribe again when this whole thing is over with and you make videos again that are actually interesting. But dammit now this is in my feed reader. Also you got fired? 0_o What could anyone say to get you fired? That's insane...

bluefirewitch said...

Rhian, since I privated all my videos, I thought it wise to repost the discussion here. I find it to be an appropriate format. I am not sure why you found it necessary to unsub from me because of one discussion topic, but I'm sure if you watch my other content, you'll find something you'll like. Blessings.

Anonymous said...

Oh My God,
You know I am skeptical about moon alignments and the positions on the planets and the so called effects on People of different signs.But I am sure someone is reading an astrology chart now and saying "yep thats why the drama is flooding Youtube" But could someone please tell me what is so damn absolute about Wicca? Or Paganism for that matter? Isn't there Wiccans who observe only the Goddess? Why is it such a stretch that someone would observe Yahweh aka Male deity?
Jesus, Paul, Peter, Steven, Timothy, could be used
Mary, Mary Magaline, Heck even Ruth
from the old testament could be used. And most, if not by far most of the anti pagan sentiment is in the Old Testament. But even the jewish have Kabbalah, divination in its own right. No offence meant to anyone, but spiritual freedom is just that freedom. Christians would have their own issue with this, but why would anyone expect them not to have one?
I am sorry, I observe Wiccans Pagans and others in this argument and I have no concept of why this is even an issue at all. I knew a Christian Pagan and she was something else. So there you go
I'd say something like Blessed Be
but I really feel like saying something more to
Be Quiet (just kidding)

Hyperborean said...

The idea is not to prove people right or wrong because the is an irrelevant issue. There is no such thing as right or wrong because it is a personal experience that can only be experienced on a personal level. If you spend your whole time trying to prove yourself right or wrong you become a fundamentalist.

bluefirewitch said...

No one is spending all their time trying to prove themselves right or wrong. This isn't about me, it's about a faith group that deserves to be recognized in our community.

Mamaberries said...

I find it rather interesting that those from the Wiccan faith spend so much time defending their beliefs, mostly against those who are Christians. Yet turn around and act like their Christian counterparts, when someone else chooses their paths. Stand up when it is being done to you, but join the pack when it is someone else. Most Wiccan, or even Pagans, I thought believed in religious freedom, the right to practice what they choose, but yet hold as much as Christian have against Wicca, against those who are Christian Wicca. Although I dislike the term, Christian Wicca, there should be no problem to be able to see Jesus, or the others, as their male deity.

jvunlur said...


uzair khan said...


cure of black magic

mermaidmom said...

I am a Christian believing in Creation Spirituality, and interested in Wicca, I also have great respect for nature and animals as a biologist. Thanks for this, it really helped me with some questions.

Unknown said...

Thank you ever so much my dear one!!! Being a Minister/HP since 2003 of such a Faith, it is heartening to hear of one who takes up for us underdogs!!!!

Blessed Be in Christ and The Craft!


Wiccan Pope said...

True Christianity is Wicca. Wicca means "The Craft of the Wise." Proverbs 8 in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible teaches of the Birth Mother Goddess Wisdom. Early Judaic Christians, and Solomon believed She was the Consort of Jehovah. Together in marriage They are One God. Her name in Greek is Sophia. This explains, "Let Us make man in Our image." Jehovah was talking to His Wife Wisdom. She said, "The Lord possessed me BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE EARTH." In Proverbs 8. John 17:24 Christ said, "Father You loved Me BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE EARTH." Sophia says, "Come eat my bread and drink my wine." In Proverbs 8. Christ is the Goddess Wisdom of Proverbs 8 incarnate in a man. The Point is Wicca is the Craft of the Wise. One CANNOT be WISE without GODDESS WISDOM. teaches more.