Saturday, July 11, 2009

If you're that stupid, you deserve to be fooled

Perhaps people on YouTube are just looking to be led. Or perhaps they just like to be caught up in some trumped up drama. Frankly, if you're that stupid, you deserve to be fooled by people like the BlindDruid and Jack Winters. There is no flagging campaign. Yes, I will flag videos with my personal information in them. But I'm not going to, nor would I flag videos that had opposing viewpoints. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I've never, in my YT career, flagged someone because I disagreed with them. I've flagged for bullying and inappropriate content, but only if those videos actually break TOS.

Now if you have a video with my workplace in it, or some other piece of personal info I don't want broadcasted to the public. You better believe I'd flag it. And if you're not a moron, you would too.

Wake up people, you're being led by drama whores with nothing to really say about religion, so they have to trash those who do speak about religion.

If you believe the hype without asking me. You're a moron. Unsub from me PLEASE.


L8RG8R84 said...

That's very funny..... how do you know they are not doing a flagging campaign? That is why my stuff is on private not because I believe them or you but because I thought that since all of this stuff was going on this would be a perfect opportunity to work on my new channel. Which is going to used to spread information about various things. One of which is information about hate groups. Technically none of this has nothing to do with any of you. And I really did have computer issues first the virus and then no access to my account. I had to change my password on another computer. Anyway you will not be hearing from me either way. But I am a fool right? Whatever you can think that I am being a little overdramatic I don't care.

L8RG8R84 said...

Now I no for a fact that someone started flagging stuff because I can access my accounts from my friends house but not my house. So much for "There is no flagging campaign" youtube is a joke. When I get access to my account I will gladly unsub from you. Oh and I guess I can't help flag any videos violating TOS or someones privacy since people thought it sould be cute to flag me for no reason.

Have a nice day

L8RG8R84 said...

Ok..... Youtube is being a pain in the ass. I apologize and I did unsub from you. (along with several other people) Serously I do not follow Lucindio. To be honest I do not trust any of you. But if that's your opinion whatever. Bye

L8RG8R84 said...

I flagged the videos containing personal information about you or private messages so will you take this pointless post down, stop name calling, and chill?

bluefirewitch said...

Amanda-stop taking everything so personally. Not everything that I say or do is directed at you. This post needs to stay up.

L8RG8R84 said...

you are back? that was fast..........

True everything you say is not directed at me. I did take the video down. I am glad you are back. Oh and when I unsubed from you the fact that I should have removed you from my friends list escaped my memory. That fact that you should have unfriended me escaped your memory! What did not escape my memory is the fact that there are weirdo stalkers, no not you obviously, on here and I took down all the links to my personal profiles. (Even though they do not have my location on them) On a more serious note I do not really get what you meant by "this post needs to stay up" but I guess I can't force you to take it down. I do not think that a lot of people on here especially if they are new to youtube would know that people on here tear people down and over exaggerate things 24/7. So telling anyone, even me, "If you're that stupid, you deserve to be fooled" is not a respectable way to handle the situation. That is just my opinion.

Bye ♥

Anonymous said...

Hi, BFW. I really liked it when you did Wicca educational videos. Maybe sometime, you can put some more educational stuff up on this blog?